Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sound Tracks

Many years ago, I found this snippet in a Readers Digest and cut it out. I came across it again this morning!

"Our church service and Sunday-school classes are both held from 10 to 11am. One Sunday, the six-to-eight-year-olds were dismissed early and headed for the porch to wait for their parents. All except one - the minister's son.

He raced through the porch and down the aisle, behind the wheel of an imaginary racing car - providing his own sound effects at the top of his lungs. "Varoooom! Screech!" he cried, as he leant into a hairpin turn into the front row pew and sat down next to his embarrassed mother.

Unshaken, his father interrupted his sermon just long enough to say, "Park it, Philip, and give the keys to your mother!"

Have a truly glorious day and be blessed with friendship.

1 comment:

  1. This is toooo funny. Thanks for sharing. I needed a laugh!!
